Maimonides, The Guide for the Perplexed

Throughout the readings, Maimonides repeats a saying of the Sages, “The Torah speaks in the language of men.” What do you make of this saying in relation to his views on the negative attributes of God?

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The Book of Job

Consider God’s response to Job in Chapters 40 and 41. How does God’s response speak against the consolation given by Job’s three friends Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar?

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The Grand Inquisitor

How do human beings feel about their own freedom, according to Ivan Karamzaov?

COVID-19 Support and Updates

We can use this space to talk about any coronavirus related issues. We could build a support community, just chat about what’s happening, share contact info, share memes, etc.

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Aquinas, Summa Contra Gentiles

What is the relationship between faith and reason for St. Thomas Aquinas? What important things can we learn about his views concerning divine truth from this relationship?

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